No Time Like the Present

8 Ways to Keep Your Idea Energy Burning Bright

Do you ever get an idea that fills you with excitement and vitality? It’s as if you have been jolted out of complacency and have arrived into a new space of enthusiasm and a lust for life.

What do you do with that idea? Do you immediately act on it? Do you let it simmer?

I have found through my own journey of random “great ideas” and thoughts, that the choice to let the idea simmer usually ends with an anti-climatic fizzle. However, when I take that idea and pair it with motion and movement (of any kind…big or small), the idea begins to unravel and transform, almost taking on a life of it’s own. Motion of any kind seems to create this wave of energy around ideas, allowing them to grow and expand naturally.

Action takes the idea and starts to turn it into a more tangible form, transforming the energy of “what if” to “this is actually happening.” Of course, there will be times when the enthusiasm feels muted or the creative energy is lacking, but this is the natural ebb and flow of anything in life. Rolling with the tide, but still taking action even on those days when you are feeling less than inspired.

What about letting that great new idea just simmer around? That simmer is likely to fade, along with your new found excitement and vitality around the idea.

What can you do to keep that “great idea” in motion?

8 ways to keep your idea energy burning bright…taking that simmer to a boil!

  1. Write it down — Get this idea out of your head and into a tangible format whether that be writing scribbles on a piece of paper or making a thoughtfully curated proclamation on your tablet. Just get it out of the space in your mind before the mental chatter starts to tear it apart.

  2. Brainstorm — Let your mind run wild with all the ways you can make this idea grow and expand. Write it all down. See what your energy and your intuition is drawing you towards. Take a break and then come back to your brainstorm list. What sticks out the most to you? Refine and brainstorm again.

  3. Create a vision board — This doesn’t need to be fancy. You can use words, pictures, anything relating to your idea that you find inspiring.. Whether your vision board is large or small, make sure it is in a tangible format in a place that you will often see it.

  4. Talk about it — Keep the energy train in motion and talk about your “great idea” to someone you know who will support and encourage you. Someone that will share that excitement with you.

  5. Get out of your comfort zone — take one thing from your brainstorming list that you know will push you out of your comfort space and do it. Mark it off the list as done and make space for your idea to keep growing.

  6. Keep your mind open — As your idea naturally grows and unfolds, it may begin to change and start to look a little different than you first envisioned. That’s okay! You are working with the natural flow of creativity. It’s not rigid as you’re not rigid. Allow yourself the space to be fluid with your idea.

  7. Be realistic — This might be a hard one, especially if you have perfectionist tendencies like myself. It’s not going to be perfect, and it doesn’t need to be. Don’t let yourself start to over analyze your idea when things aren’t going as you think they should be. Give yourself grace and a bit of space from your idea, just for short time, but don’t let the momentum fade.

  8. Keep going — Everyday do one thing that will keep your idea energy growing and burning. Not feeling it? Take a few minutes and go to your vision board. Let that initial excitement start to fan your flame again. It’s still there.

Do you have an idea that has been simmering? There is no time like the present to get your idea in motion. What is one thing you can do today that will keep your idea energy in motion?

Photo by Jared Christiansen Images


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